azienda S.I.E. Sas dove si producono specchietti retrovisori
foto dell'azienda S.I.E. Sas che produce specchietti retrovisori

since 1993

Like many Italian companies, S.I.E. was founded in 1993 as a small producer of glass for car mirrors.
Since 1996, it has been involved in the production chain of first-rate industries. In addition to mirrors, S.I.E began to manufacture all the necessary components to create the complete indirect vision devices: support rods, cups, and mirrors.
The founder, Antonio Bourcier, started the business in a small workspace, but today S.I.E. occupies a 3OOO sqm warehouse integrated with plastic molding presses. This integration allows for an improved service and productive quality of the parts produced in the entire Piedmont region, where the company operates.

operaio che lavora nell'azienda S.I.E. Sas per la produzione di dispositivi per la visione indiretta

S.I.E. is a family-run business that combines experience with innovation and operates with a strong work ethic for resources and employees.

since 1993

Like many Italian companies, S.I.E. was founded in 1993 as a small producer of glass for car mirrors.
Since 1996, it has been involved in the production chain of first-rate industries. In addition to mirrors, S.I.E began to manufacture all the necessary components to create the complete indirect vision devices: support rods, cups, and mirrors.
The founder, Antonio Bourcier, started the business in a small workspace, but today S.I.E. occupies a 3OOO sqm warehouse integrated with plastic molding presses. This integration allows for an improved service and productive quality of the parts produced in the entire Piedmont region, where the company operates.

operaio che lavora nell'azienda S.I.E. Sas per la produzione di dispositivi per la visione indiretta

S.I.E. is a family-run business that combines experience with innovation and operates with a strong work ethic for resources and employees.


One of the strengths that distinguishes S.I.E. is the speed with which orders are executed and delivered, but not only that: the post-sales assistance service ensures that any eventual problems are resolved within a very short period of time.

Interno dell'azienda S.I.E. Sas dove si producono specchietti retrovisori


One of the strengths that distinguishes S.I.E. is the speed with which orders are executed and delivered, but not only that: the post-sales assistance service ensures that any eventual problems are resolved within a very short period of time.

our clients

In addition to producing devices for indirect vision, S.I.E. acquired a plastics molding company in 2O14 with 8 injection presses, both to integrate the production of rearview mirrors and to broaden their offerings based on specific market demands.

plastic material

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